
LGBTI+ in the region of Central Asia: Repressions, Discrimination, Exclusion

LGBTI+ people do not feel safe in any country of the Central Asia region. They are  regularly endure numerous violations of their rights, homophobia, and discrimination in all areas of life, including employment, education, family life, personal interactions, and commercial and state services.

Annual Review of the situation of LGBTI people paints a picture at odds with a widespread notion that in Europe the work is done

Amid rising hate speech and crime, vulnerable people across Europe find themselves disconnected from the popular story of the region’s success in securing LGBTI rights, major human rights review finds.

Pro-Family Nations and NGOs Celebrate 25th International Day of Families

UN member states and civil society gathered at UN headquarters to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the International Year of the Family during an event titled “It Takes a Family” on May 15, the International Day of Families.

Human Rights Watch Country Profiles: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

The following country profiles are derived in part from sections of the Human Rights Watch 2019 World Report that relate to the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.

Kyrgyzstan: 'All of us will be victims at some point': why Bishkek's only gay club closed

The Kyrgyz capital was long a liberal beacon in Central Asia – until a ban on ‘LGBT propaganda’. With attacks and rapes on the rise, the community is scared

In Their Own Words: LGBTQ Asia Responds to Taiwan’s Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Taiwan’s ruling made me curious about how the news was being received by LGBTQ people across Asia.