
The 2010’s – a Major Decade for The LGBTQ Community

We’ve come a long way in the last 10 years. We’ve made a lot of progress but we’ve also lost some ground internationally when it comes to LGBTQ rights. Here is a review of the last decade.

US: DHS proposal to require U.S. citizens undergo airport facial scans draws fire

A plan by administration to require U.S. citizens to have their faces scanned when they enter or leave the United States is drawing criticism from privacy advocates and at least one lawmaker, who said he intends to introduce legislation to prohibit the practice.

Jamaica: Anti-Gay Discrimination Costing Ja $11b Annually, Says CAPRI

Jamaica’s oppressive anti-gay laws and discriminatory practices cost the workforce around $11 billion annually and make the minority group three times more vulnerable to mental-health illness, the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CAPRI) has said.

Singapore: Whatever your sexual orientation, you’re welcome to work in Singapore

The PM said when it comes to matters relating to LGBT and homosexuality, Singapore takes the middle ground, meaning it is not as open as places like San Francisco nor is it as strict as the Middle East

Malaysia: LGBTQ+ Malaysians Exist, Whether Their Government Accepts That or Not

Despite news reports, it’s unclear what Tourism Minister Mohammadin Ketapi actually said about LGBTQ+ people at a recent event in Berlin.

Gay sex ruling brings India's 'pink economy' out of the closet

Fancy an LGBT-friendly resort, a drag night at a top New Delhi hotel or a spa for gay men? These are only some of the businesses increasingly vying for India’s powerful “pink rupee” just months after the country decriminalized same-sex relations.